“Prolix Logorrhoea, and how!”

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Winter Fashion

I'm trying a new look for ye ol' blog this winter, and I wanted to get your input. I have to confess: my love of design and the visual pleasures in the world have, unfortunately, failed to instill in me some sort of intuitive understanding of how to achieve similar effects. I have a real blindspot when it comes to how you construct something in a visually interesting way; I just knows it when I sees it.

Anyway, comments and suggestions of the design of this here textual oddity would be most appreciated. If any of you happen to be considerate web designers who might be interested in doing a little outside work, let's barter. It's the spirit of the times, my friends!

If anyone wanted to tackle a new design for the logo, I would be so kind as to reward you with some as-yet-disclosed prize, which will probably turn out to be something from the treasure trove of records that I have squirlled away in my basement. Can you say Grand Funk Railroad, Live?

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