“Prolix Logorrhoea, and how!”

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Social Interaction Observation

In no particular order:

1.) If you happen to believe something (let's say, x), and there is a name for x (let's say, y), why would you deny that x = y, even though you support both?

2.) Is it better to let people deduce your opinion based on behavior and action (which can be, under observation, misleading), or directly tell them what you think, risking their misunderstanding your definition of terms?

3.) Which is more painful: being asked to rehash skills you may already have in the hope of strengthening them (at the risk of boring the practitioner), or assuming the practitioner already has the skills you are judging them on, and penalizing them for each time they practice the skill incorrectly?

4.) Pet Sounds or Sergeant Pepers? (Exile On Main or Who's Next? The Stooges or The Ramones?)

5.) Is it better to let the loud annoying guy disrupt class, ruining things for everyone, or single him out for his disruption, now dividing the classroom ire amongst the two of you? (Ancillary question: whom do you sympathize with when this happens?)

6.) Socrates was an annoying, pretentious asshole who finally pissed too many people off, and had to face public ridicule and death. Your boyfriend is heading down the same road. Discuss.

7.) Yo, Loud Annoying Guy! How many times do I have to tell you?

8.) At what point do you admit defeat and actually read every article, do every assignment, engage in every discussion, do two hours of studying for every hour of class, and give up all hope of pursuing your hopes, dreams, goals, and social life? Three years?

9.) What is the likelihood that you will ever get a job relating to your minor? What are the odds anyone will ever even ask you about your minor? How many future dates will depend on it? Will your children show interest in it?

10.) The horrible truth we all don't want to admit: C's Get Degrees, you will still wind up in a cubicle sooner or later, and the ideals you hold strongly now will quickly be tossed in the trash if we can just get a decent, regular paycheck. Discuss the pros in cons in an 8 to 10 page page, noting that you'll need to cite at least two outside sources, relate it to one of the primary texts and stated classroom goals, and turn your assignment in on time, in perfect grammatical English. Minus one letter grade for each red mark on the page. MLA Format preferred.

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