“Prolix Logorrhoea, and how!”

Sunday, November 23, 2008


The other day I noticed this sticker at the bus stop near my house, and I got really excited. First off, it's a sentiment I can get behind 100%; as The Learn-ed Council Of Wise Men once said, "Bad music is a stain upon our culture that must be identified and treated as soon as possible, before it has a chance to turn into Creed, or worse." Second, since this was promoting a website, I was kinda excited by the idea of a guy who had a blog dedicated to, what I assumed, would be good music. My Socratic logic being, if you're against bad, you must be for good. Right?

Needless to say, I was very disappointed to see that this was not the case. Do not be deceived! While this is an ideological move that most music fans can support, it fails to deliver an acceptable alternative! You will not find good music here, and those who try are bound to be as disappointed as I was. I have suffered for you my friends; do not make the same mistake I did.


  1. Creed did suck. Now we're stuck with Nickelback.

  2. Oh man, I'd almost entirely forgotten about Nickelback. Thanks for bringing it up again...
