“Prolix Logorrhoea, and how!”

Monday, June 21, 2010

Breakfast Discovery

After a week of Kitchen alchemy and spell-casting, I've made a very important discovery: breakfast is 75% better with the addition of tomatoes and avocados. I had grown used to a very simple (and fast) concoction involving potatoes and eggs, and depending on how fancy I was feeling, I would add curry to the potatoes, and cheese to the final product. (Okay, I would always add cheese.)

However, it appears that topping off this simple creation with chopped tomatoes, and adding a few spoonfuls of avocado, makes this breakfast much more interesting, and delicious by at least threefold*. Additionally, this is a fairly inexpensive addition to the meal, provided you plan ahead, making this new discovery among some of the most important in my book.

I'm currently writing to all sorts of people to see if I can gain recognition for this revolutionary breakfast magic that will undoubtedly change the face of food forever. The only decision left is to determine which overpriced breakfast joint I should sell this amazing science to. I think $1000 cash is a fair price, don't you?

*Numeric estimates are only accurate within four decimal places.

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