“Prolix Logorrhoea, and how!”

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

That Guy

I became That Guy so gradually that it's really hard to say when, exactly, the transformation began. My question always becomes: which warning signs predate the others? In Cathead, we used to play a song called "Old Man Blues." But then there's reading about Grandpa Punk in Ramen City U.S.A., and my High School-aged Grumpy Old Man impersonations... when I was 13 my favorite song was "Kids" from Bye Bye Birdie.

It just goes on and on like that.

Anyway, now that the change is complete, I can at least help you with some of the tell-tale signs that you have become That Guy:

1.) Carries possessions in a cloth grocery bag instead of something more useful.

2.) Apparel includes: frayed fingerless gloves, bow ties, used-car-salesman jacket & bowling shoes one size too big.

3.) Oftentimes, primary mission on errands seems to involve the Public Library or buying fruits & vegetables. (Double Points if I combine them into one, unnecesarily elaborate mission.)

4.) iPod playlist includes: Miles Davis, Old-Time Radio recordings from the 40's, & NPR Podcasts.

5.) Can generally be found (during the daytime) waiting for a bus and complaining in a sort of Yosemite Sam kind of way about The Weather and The Traffic. Or both.


  1. So your complaints regularly include the phrase "rootin' tootin'"? :]

  2. More alone the lines of, "Dagnabit!" and, "Consarnit!"
