I just went through and cleaned house in terms of this site.
If you look to the right, under "A Sound Salvation," you'll find current, updated links for Blasphuphmus Radio on the new and improved kpsu.org. Sadly, the old links will not be updated, or maintained, and won't go anywhere in the near future. So it goes.
I should also point out that there are fewer links at this time. KPSU does not yet have RSS feeds for podcasts and other consistently-updated content, so those links do not yet exist. If you follow the link for the show, you'll find download links for all the episodes, info about the show, and a list of recent playlists. If you follow the link for me, you'll find a short bio, and another listing for both playlists and blog posts. As things change, get added, or updated, I'll post more info here.
In terms of the "Podcasts & Radio" and "Offsite" links, I eliminated many of them. A number of the shows and blogs have either been canceled, stopped posting new content over a year ago, or otherwise disappeared somehow. I eliminated about half the links that no longer work. Of course, things do fall through the cracks now and then, and I'm always on the lookout for new content and whatnot lot read and / or listen to, so send your links this way. I would appreciate it.
More changes on the way. Keep your eyes peeled for more updates.
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